Ipsum Maker!

Ipsum-maker, the home of ipsum! The place to be for all your ipsum needs!

We just love lorem ipsum and we love creating different ipsums so we've made ipsum-maker, the place to generate your ipsum.

We've got classic lorem ipsum, but we've also got alternatives, and we'll keep adding to list of generators below. So if you want ipsum this is place to come. Impress your clients with filler text from the likes of Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Alan Partridge and Forrest Gump.

Classic Lorem Ipsum

The classic lorem ipsum, the original, and some say, the best.

Your ipsum will appear here!

Arnie Ipsum

Add a bit of action to your ipsum, with classic movies quotes from the Legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Your ipsum will appear here!

Alan Partridge Ipsum

A mixed bag of quotes from Alan Partridge, which will be popular in the UK, especially Norwich and the wider Norfolk area.

Your ipsum will appear here!

Forrest Gump Ipsum

A collection of quotes from the classic movies, Forrest Gump.

Your ipsum will appear here!

Ipsum News and Blog

Alan Partriidge Ipsum Added!

Mon Apr 01 2024

Today we've added Alan Partridge Ipsum to the site. Enthrall you're clients with the mundane and needless detail of Alan Partridge quips and anecdotes in ipsum form.

Alan Partridge Ipsum is guranteed to make the even the most enthusiatic reader glaze over with needless detail and one upmanship that only Alan Partridge can combine to take the shine off anyone's mood.

Uses of Ipsum

Wed Mar 27 2024

In the world of design, Lorem Ipsum has become a ubiquitous tool, serving as a placeholder for textual content in various design mockups, prototypes, and layouts. Designers rely on Lorem Ipsum for several reasons, primarily for its ability to mimic the appearance of real text without distracting the viewer with actual readable content. This placeholder text allows designers to focus on the visual aspects of their designs, such as layout, typography, and color scheme, without being influenced by the meaning of the text.

One of the primary uses of Lorem Ipsum in design is to fill space where textual content will eventually be placed. Designers often use Lorem Ipsum to represent paragraphs, headings, or any other textual elements within their designs. By incorporating Lorem Ipsum, designers can create a more realistic representation of the final product, giving clients and stakeholders a better understanding of how the design will look and feel once populated with actual content.

Lorem Ipsum also provides designers with a standardized form of placeholder text that can be easily inserted and manipulated within design software. Its repetitive nature ensures that the focus remains on the design itself rather than the specific wording of the content. This allows designers to experiment with different layouts and arrangements without the constraint of working with real content, which may have varying lengths and structures.

Moreover, Lorem Ipsum helps streamline the design process by saving time that would otherwise be spent on generating or acquiring real content for mockups. Designers can quickly generate as much Lorem Ipsum text as needed, tailoring it to fit the desired length and format within their designs. This efficiency allows designers to iterate more rapidly, ultimately leading to faster development cycles and quicker delivery of design concepts.

Beyond its practical utility, Lorem Ipsum also serves as a visual cue for where content will be placed within a design. Designers can easily distinguish between the structural elements of their design and the content areas that require actual text. This distinction helps maintain clarity and organization throughout the design process, facilitating better communication and collaboration among team members and stakeholders.

Additionally, Lorem Ipsum is language-neutral, making it suitable for design projects targeting diverse audiences and languages. Its nonsensical nature ensures that it does not carry any cultural or linguistic biases that could potentially distract from the design itself. This universality makes Lorem Ipsum a versatile tool for designers working on projects with international scope or multilingual requirements.

In conclusion, Lorem Ipsum plays a crucial role in the design process by serving as a placeholder for textual content. Designers utilize Lorem Ipsum to fill space, standardize placeholder text, streamline the design process, provide visual cues, and ensure language neutrality within their designs. Its widespread adoption and utility make Lorem Ipsum an indispensable tool in the designer's toolkit, facilitating efficient and effective communication of design concepts and ideas.

Arnie Ipsum Added!

Mon Mar 25 2024

We've added Arnie ipsum to the mix! That's right all your favourite quotes from Arnold Schwarzenegger combined to make the perfect ipsum to impress everyone you know.

Watch as they laugh in awe of the vast array of Arnie quotes adorning your page.

Arnie ipsum is the perfect addition to any web designer wanting to fill out their placeholder text with something that will get the action movie fan pumped with excitement. Try it out today!

A history of Ipsum

Thu Mar 21 2024

Lorem Ipsum has a rich and intriguing history deeply intertwined with the evolution of printing, typography, and the publishing industry.

It traces its origins back to the 15th century when the printing press was still in its infancy. At that time, a printer named Aldus Manutius, operating in Venice, Italy, sought a method to demonstrate various fonts and typefaces in his printing samples. To achieve this, he compiled a scrambled Latin text from Cicero's work "De finibus bonorum et malorum" (On the Ends of Good and Evil) which obscured the meaning, focusing attention solely on the visual aspects of the typefaces.

This nonsensical text, composed of scrambled Latin words and phrases, quickly gained popularity among printers and typesetters. Its primary purpose was to serve as a placeholder text for layout and design, allowing printers to showcase different fonts without the distraction of readable content. The text's obscurity ensured that viewers would focus solely on the presentation of the typeface rather than becoming engrossed in the meaning of the text.

The phrase "Lorem Ipsum" itself is derived from the first two words of the original Latin text, "lorem" and "ipsum," which roughly translate to "pain itself" and have no coherent meaning in the context of the Lorem Ipsum text. Despite its nonsensical nature, Lorem Ipsum became the industry standard for placeholder text in the printing and typesetting fields, persisting through the centuries as new technologies emerged.

With the rise of desktop publishing in the late 20th century and the subsequent transition to digital media, Lorem Ipsum retained its prominence as the go-to placeholder text for design mockups, graphic layouts, and website prototypes. Its versatility, neutrality, and widespread recognition among designers and developers solidified its status as an essential tool in the creative process.

Today, Lorem Ipsum remains a ubiquitous presence in the world of design and publishing, serving as a timeless artifact that connects contemporary practitioners with the rich history of typography and printing. Its enduring legacy underscores the importance of effective communication and design, reminding us of the vital role that placeholder text plays in the creative process.